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Non-Union Contractors


          Welcome to Local 666's non-union contractor page. The purpose of this page is to acquaint a non-signatory contractor to the advantages of becoming a signatory contractor and to dispel some of the misconceptions about what happens once you become signatory. 

        The notion that organized labor is no longer needed and a thing of the past is simply not true. In fact, the need for highly skilled electrical workers has never been greater. 

        Many contractors express that one reason for not signing sooner is misinformation about what it means to have an agreement with Local 666.

Local 666 realizes that there are many aspects of the electrical industry and has tailored different agreements to address different categories of work. Each agreement takes into account the level of expertise needed by the workers as we examine the realities of cost in the marketplace. 

Local 666 would not have continued to exist in Richmond after over 100+ years if we weren't providing viable services.   When all is said and done, the reality is that working union costs no more.

So why should you consider becoming a signatory contractor?

1. Training - The IBEW is committed to putting the most highly trained people in the field. Our manpower pool is second to none.   Highly skilled electricians are available in whatever specialty you need, most times within 24 hours with just one phone call. You specify what your requirements are and we provide the level of expertise.

• No more ads in the newspaper.

• No more going to employment agencies.

• No more wasted man-hours evaluating skill levels; we do the evaluation for you.

• No more walking away from work because you may not feel you have the experienced manpower to complete the project.

What about your existing workforce? We will bring them into membership, evaluate their strengths and weaknesses and provide improvement classes where necessary to bring their abilities up to date. Local 666 provides professional personnel who have chosen the electrical industry as a career, not just for a job.

2. Wages and Benefits - Our agreements are negotiated between the National Electrical Contractors Association located here in Richmond and Local 666. Negotiations provide continual renewal to the commitment by management and labor to provide the best product at a reasonable cost. If the signatory contractor cannot compete, we as a union cannot long survive. Being fair, the wage and benefit structure not only takes into consideration what it takes to compete, but also what it takes to assure a stable workforce.  We are a partnership. Our Health and Benefit plan, for example, is self-insured and provides excellent coverage at a very reasonable cost. 

3. Manpower Pool - Probably one of our strongest selling points is our member pool. Contractors who sign with Local 666 express that getting the right manpower at the right time is a big problem. Often, the difference between making a profit and suffering a loss is having the manpower to get the job done. Newspaper ads attract, at best, semiskilled workers who tell you in the office they can do it all, but in the field, more often than not, prove otherwise. 

What about going through employment agencies? Did you know that if you hire someone through one of these trade agencies and that worker gets hurt, your worker's compensation insurance doesn't cover them and, therefore, leaves you open for a third-party lawsuit?   Electrical work requires a level of expertise that employment agencies cannot provide. 

Most agencies charge more than it would cost you under a union contract. Is it worth risking your business to lawsuits while paying more to simply stay nonunion?

Manpower should be a business decision, where the manpower comes from should be of no consequence. Your decision should be based on value and getting the best employees for dollars spent, much the same way you decide on which supply house to use. Local 666 simply supplies the best for the money. Local 666 provides the vehicle for you to run and grow your business. Whether you need manpower for one day or one year, we have the trained personnel to respond.

So where do you go from here? While a web page can be helpful in getting some points across, the reality is that most electrical contractors have specific concerns and needs. The only way to address these issues is on an individual basis, one-on-one. Local 666 has a no commitment, no obligation policy that allows a contractor to hear firsthand what the IBEW has to offer.  Then, and only then, can you make the decision if the IBEW is right for your company. There is no contractor considered too large or too small. We have shops ranging from one man to 100+ men working under our various agreements. The first step, however, is yours. Why not find out what the IBEW can do for you and your business?

Feel free to contact us, we will be glad to assist you.

Contact Us

Page Last Updated: May 18, 2016 (06:44:34)
IBEW Local 666
1400 E. Nine Mile Rd.
Highland Springs, VA 23075
  (804) 353-9666

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